Meet Nick Cave Miller

7 years old | Birthday: 1/7/18
Nick was our first feral. Nick was found in an abandoned school bus on condemned property with 60 other dogs. They were exposed to extreme weather conditions. When Jody first met Nick he cowered in a corner and growled. She knew she had to get him out of the shelter in order for him to have a fighting chance. The shelter warned that no one had been able to touch him unless he was under sedation. Once home, she made him a cozy space in a covered crate with a new bed, a stuffy and cuddly blankets. She had to leave his leash attached so she could take him out to potty. It took seven weeks, a ton of patience and lots of treats before she could touch Nick. He now sleeps with four other fur babies in Jody’s bed. His true personality continues to emerge. He gets along with the other dogs but still won’t let any other person touch him. Nick continues to fight a severe skin condition.
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